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Eat Raw


Kristina Gabrielle Carillo-Bucaram is a case study in using social media to promote a cause or business which in her case is one and the same. Her Facebook page has 30,000 friends and her YouTube videos have nearly a million views. Blogging, email, Pinterest, you name it she is on it.

With an aging baby boomer market now concerned with their health and eating habits and a new generation of young health nuts, the market is exploding for an organic and healthy eating lifestyle. There are farmer’s markets all over town on a regular basis to feed the appetite of this growing phenomenon. Among the farmer’s markets and the increasing produce aisles in grocery stores, not to mention Whole foods, there is a young lady preaching the gospel to whoever will listen. Bucaram is a nutrition coach, a video sensation and one who claims some pretty amazing results all from eating and “going raw.”

Bucaram’s company, Rawfully Organic, was conceived after she was diagnosed with hyperglycemia. After graduating from Rice, Cum Laude, she embarked on a journey that has put her on television and she has become a leading advocate among Houstonians for a healthier lifestyle.

Going raw is essentially what it says; you eat only raw fruits and vegetables. For most of us this is absurd, but not Bucaram who claims incredible health and long term benefits and even the idea that her eyes have changed color, since going raw. You can view this on YouTube and decide for yourself. Other video highlights include; Top Tips to Stay Raw, Overcoming Struggles Going Raw, Breaking Bad Eating Habits and my personal favorite Raw Deep Dish Lasagna. Her videos have been viewed by over a million people.

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The results are there to see that the young athletic runner, vegetarian extraordinaire looks healthy and promises that you may do the same. Once you realize “that in order to go raw you need an incredible amount of produce on hand at all times.”

The Rawfully Organic co-op Bucaram has created has brought local growers and over 7,000 members together for an opportunity to eat healthier. Not bad for someone just getting started… She calls her diet the “low fat raw vegan diet’ which is not new, and may not be for everyone. However, participants may buy a full or half share to be picked up at several locations in Houston. For more go to www.rawfully

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