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Intown Profile: Talmon Henry Hall V

Houston City Life - Talmon Henry Hall V

Is Tally Hall perhaps the best pro athlete in Houston? Many of his teammates and people that have been to BBVA Compass Stadium in downtown Houston to see him play might think so. At 6’ 4”’ tall and 215 pounds his size and blocking ability have made him and the Dynamo one of the toughest teams to score against in the Major League Soccer League over the last three seasons.

Hall was born in Sea Tac, Washington where he went on to become a two time All American soccer player at San Diego State University. In 2010, he got his break to start at goalie for the Dynamo and went on to record twelve shutouts in 2012. He started in 57 consecutive games earning him the Dynamo’s Ironman of the Year Award. Hall is married and has two children and along with teammate, Brad Davis launched their charity, called the Banded Brigade Outdoors, which takes injured and disabled veterans and their families on hunting and fishing trips. We caught up with Tally following the “friendly’ with Stoke City of the English Premier League

Fred Faour: What was it like to prepare for the match against Stoke City compared to an MLS Team?

Tally: It’s a little bit different, as a player, you’re going to forget regular season games. That game was different in that it was a unique atmosphere, there is a pride factor involved and you are playing a team from a different country. There were many cool factors involved. You want to play well, you want to represent the league well, and it’s a bit of a different mindset for the game.

Dave: What’s interesting to me when I see you guys play, BBVA is filled up. Yet, other MLS stadiums are not filled up as much. Why is that the case?

Tally: Sometimes I think the fact that we play such a long season, hurts us, in that a fan might have that mentality of, “Oh its ok to miss this game, they have twenty games at home.”. You don’t want to fall into that trap. Every game at home is special and unique. But, I do understand that, when certain teams come that you don’t get to see. How often do we get to see the Dynamo vs. Stoke? Even though its a once a year thing, its a rare event. So I understand fans coming out to see a unique, once in lifetime event. But I definitely think people are missing out. We love having people are in the stands, and I guarantee you will have fun. The fans are singing and having fun, it’s a cool experience.

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Dave: Do you find the international fans are gaining respect for the MLS or not?

Tally: I don’t think there is a lot of international fans that are from Stoke-On-Trent in Houston. I think its just people who went to the game, know the EPL. If you think the EPL is a dominant force, and just write off the MLS, I think its because you haven’t been watching MLS. You haven’t been paying attention to the players and talent coming through. Because, if you’re paying attention, then you’re reading things like David Beckham and Thierry Henry saying this league deserves more respect than its given as it’s hard to succeed here..interview by Dave Tepper and Fred Faour of ESPN 97.5 FM.

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