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A Mayoral Proclamation Celebration Honoring Dr. Ronald DePinho
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A Mayoral Proclamation Celebration Honoring Dr. Ronald DePinho

Houston City Life - Dr. Ronald DePinho

Co-hosts Dr. Kathryn Pulse and Mr. Dewey Stringer welcomed friends and associates to the fabulous new Market Square Tower to honor Dr. Ronald DePinho with a Mayoral Proclamation from Sylvester Turner. They celebrated the impactful legacy of Dr. Ron DePinho as the fourth president of MD Anderson. Dewey is a patient at MDA and has raised millions for MDA through his adopt a scientist’s program; he has plans to raise tens of millions more in the years ahead.

The impactful legacy of Dr. Ron DePinho as the fourth president of MD Anderson was a #1 ranking in cancer care, record donations, the decisive assault on cancer which became The Cancer Moon Shots Program and global expansion. He improved the care of millions suffering from cancer, engaged world leaders from the Vatican to the Great Hall to the White House, and made great enhancements in cancer science.

Jed Manocherian, inspired by his friend DePinho founded Act for NIH in 2014 to help restore the $8 billion inflationary loss to the NIH budget since 2003. Their efforts have been decisive in making NIH\NCI restoration a bipartisan Congressional priority and played a key role in back-back $2 billion increases to the NIH budget in 2016 and 2017, as well as the passage of 21st Century Cures Act.

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It is the proclamation that Ron DePinho is a change agent. His hatred drives a disruptor for cancer and his love for patients. He has the courage to pursue new innovative ideas and an urgency to apply those ideas to save lives. While change may bring anxiety to the status quo, it brings hope to patients and families. There are too many patients to be patient.

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