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Retirement Center Management Updatefrom President , Dave Keaton
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Retirement Center Management Update
from President , Dave Keaton

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As we continue to see an increasing number of Covid-19/Corona Virus cases develop in the United States, Retirement Center Management is updating the following policies and restrictions at all affiliated communities, including our independent living communities.

These policies and restrictions are mandated by many of our state and local government agencies and strongly recommended by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and our national trade associations (American Health Care Association and the National Center for Assisted Living).

  • Relatives, friends and non-essential visitors are prohibited from entering into the community. Individual exceptions will be considered for people visiting residents on hospice or with significantly compromised health situations.
  • All staff and essential visitors must enter through the designated point of entry and will be screened by the staff prior to being admitted into the community. Screening will include taking the staff or visitor’s temperature and completing a health questionnaire.  If a staff or visitor’s temperature exceeds 100.4 or they respond on the questionnaire that they are at higher risk, they will be denied entry into the community.
  • All people entering the community must immediately wash their hands at the designated location.
  • Mandatory quarantine periods for employees who have traveled to or from impacted areas, have household members who have traveled to these regions, or have otherwise been at risk of exposure to COVID-19.

Based on guidelines put out by the Federal government on March 16th, we are significantly reducing resident and staff groupings to the recommended 10 people or less. As such the guidelines and restrictions below are being updated based on that number.

  • All outside group visits are canceled.
  • Off-site resident outings and activities are canceled.
  • All community group transportation is canceled. Individual doctor’s visits will be scheduled on a case by case basis.
  • Internal group activities are canceled. This includes leisure activities, town hall meetings, religious services and any other group related activity.
  • The dining rooms will be regulated to reduce groups larger than ten (10) in the dining room at any given time.
  • Schedules for meals will be adjusted allowing for fewer people in the room at one time. Buffet service is suspended.
  • Meal delivery and grab and go options are being coordinated at each community.
  • Please check with the community management for specific dining information.

Please know that we are ready and prepared for emergencies and unexpected events, and we have detailed plans in place that prioritize the health and wellness of our residents, employees and visitors. It is important for you to know our associates are trained in infection control practices and follow strict protocols based on that training. We have prepared for episodes of infectious diseases and other illnesses that spread easily, especially among older populations.

The health and wellness of our residents, families, and employees is our number one priority. These guidelines and restrictions will be modified based on local, state and federal recommendations and mandates.

Our goal is to Be Aware, Be Prepared and Not Panic.  With your assistance, we are striving to keep this virus out of our communities and to ensure that our residents, families, employees and guests have a safe and healthy experience.  Please contact the community Executive Director if you have questions, concerns, or need general information.

See Also

We will do our best to get you the most current information and recommendations.  Please check this site frequently for updates.

Thank you for your attention to this very important matter!

David Keaton, President

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