Managing Anxiety in Uncertain Times

By: Jamise Crooms, M.D., Kelsey-Seybold Clinic – Tanglewood
Managing Anxiety in Uncertain Times
Right now, COVID-19 is on everyone’s radar. The rapidly evolving situation, combined with a torrent of media coverage, schools closing, and panic buying, is causing extreme anxiety for many. It’s important to note that stress may contribute to a weakened immune system. While none of us should ignore the COVID-19 outbreak, there are measures everyone can take to help lessen the anxiety.
How to Manage Anxiety in Your Home
It’s completely understandable if you are experiencing stress or nervousness due to the COVID-19 crisis. Nearly everyone is on heightened alert, wondering if that slight cough is just allergies or coronavirus. Uncertainty is rampant, with people unsure about whether they will have enough supplies in case of quarantine, how long schools, restaurants, and other favorite gathering places will be closed, and the potential impact on personal finances.
What You Can Do to Calm Your Nerves
Here are some things you can do to take a step back and calm your nerves:
- Avoid excessive exposure to the media coverage. There’s no denying that the news is saturated with coverage of COVID-19, from local newscasts to CDC updates and presidential messages. Even social media is plastered with posts ranging from politically divisive to flippantly comedic. Instead of constantly checking the news and social media, consider taking some time off from the media and social media. You might also consider deactivating your social media accounts temporarily, asking your friends to text, email, or call instead.
- Take time for stress relief. With the time you would normally spend online, you can practice meditation, take a walk, do some backyard yoga or other exercise, or indulge in a relaxing craft project. Relieving stress can be as simple as taking a bath or watching a comedy. It’s not only OK to make time for yourself, but it’s also necessary to manage anxiety.
- Do what you can to prepare for the worst. If you haven’t already stocked up on toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and food (which doesn’t mean hoarding or stockpiling), don’t stress. Grocery stores are restocking. But you should only need enough supplies to get through a two-week quarantine if it comes to that. Look around your house, assess what you truly need, wait for a store to restock, get what you need, and then relax.
The COVID-19 outbreak measures being taken are unprecedented in modern U.S. history. Even the calmest people may become stressed. But it’s up to each of us to do what we can to lessen anxiety, stay as healthy as possible, and practice self-care.