Local Leaders Defer to Governor Abbott
Despite setting a daily record for deaths and new cases, the openings of businesses continue. There are now guidelines in place dictated by Governor Abbott. Harris County Judge and Mayor Turner have deferred to the statewide orders. Starting May 18th gyms, nonessential office, and manufacturing may return at limited capacity and with the normal distancing and handwashing recommendations. We have links to the most recent directives as the great state of Texas continues its slow move toward a new normal and getting businesses and people back to work. The state economy has suffered greatly as a result of the lockdown and also the drastic oversupply of oil. Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.
First Museum Reopening This Weekend
The Houston Museum of Natural Science is now open for the first time since March 17th for all the children and adults with cabin fever.
“We’re opening, safely, and that’s what’s most exciting,” according to Dr. Carolyn Sumners, curator at the museum. The Cabinet of Curiosities is one of the exhibits not available due to the fact, “we don’t know how to keep it clean enough,” said Sumners.
Visitors older than 10 will be required to wear face masks.
“Most of it you can consume with your eyes and not your hands, so that makes it a safe place to be,” said Sumners.
There will be social distancing reminders and hand sanitizer stations. Sumners said she is asking families to take their time and if you plan to come out to the museum try and purchase your tickets in advance online. All visitors older than 10 will be required to wear face masks.
Effective May 18, 2020
Protocols for Manufacturers
Protocols for All Office-Based Employees
Protocols for Gyms and Exercise Facilities
Protocols for Gym and Exercise Facility Patrons
Effective May 5, 2020
Protocols for Churches and Places of Worship Attendees
Protocols for Wedding Reception Venues
Protocols for Wedding Reception Attendees
Protocols for Wedding Venues
Protocols for Wedding Attendees
Effective May 8, 2020
Protocols for Nail Salons and Shops
Protocols for Nail Salon Customers
Protocols for Parks, Beaches, and Bodies of Water (including swimming pools)
Protocols for Tanning Salons
Protocols for Tanning Salon Customers
Protocols for Barber Shops
Protocols for Barber Shop Customers
Protocols for Cosmetology Salons and Hair Salons
Protocols for Cosmetology Salons and Hair Salon Customers
For more go to https://www.dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/opentexas.aspx