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BARC Announces December Community Relief Events to Help Houstonians Care for Their Pets During the Pandemic
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BARC Announces December Community Relief Events to Help Houstonians Care for Their Pets During the Pandemic


BARC, the City of Houston’s Animal Shelter and Adoption Center, is excited to offer a series of community events this December to provide pet food, supplies, and health care for Houston pet parents that have been impacted by COVID-19. In partnership with Best Friends Animal Society, Rescued Pets Movement (RPM), Houston Pet Set, and Emancipet, BARC will provide over $550,000 in COVID-related, community pet support throughout the holidays.

“During this time of need it is important not to forget about our four-legged friends, said Mayor Turner. “We are happy that we can provide services and supplies for Houston pet parents that have been impacted by COVID-19. We will continue to work with local animal rescue and wellness partners to keep families and their pets together during this difficult time.”

All events are open to all City of Houston residents affected by the pandemic. To support social distancing, all spay/neuter and wellness events are by appointment only. For more information on the events and how to register, please visit or call 311.


Rescued Pets Movement Foster/Transport Program
DATE: All December

Houston PetSet Free Mobile Emergency Veterinary Services
DATE: December 15th, 23rd, and 30th
LOCATIONS: various locations across Houston
By appointment ONLY

Houston PetSet Spay/Neuter Services
DATE: December 16th -17th
LOCATIONS: participating vet clinics across Houston
By appointment ONLY

BARC Drive-thru Pet & Supplies Food Bank
(First come, first serve basis)
DATE: December 19th: 8am -10am
LOCATION: BARC Animal Shelter 3300 Carr Street, Houston, TX 77026

See Also

Best Friends Adoption Weekend Event
In partnership with BARC Animal Shelter & Rescued Pets Movement (RPM)
DATE: December 18th – 19th: 11am – 5pm
LOCATION: BARC Animal Shelter 3300 Carr Street, Houston, TX 77026

BARC’s Free Pet Wellness Weeks
DATE: December 20th – 23rd and December 26th-30th: 10am – 4pm
LOCATION: BARC Wellness Center 3200 Carr Street, Houston, TX 77026
By appointment ONLY
Dog package includes: DA2PP-V vaccine, Bordetella Vaccine, Dewormer, Rabies Vaccine, heartworm test, 6-month of Tri-heart, 1 month of flea prevention, and a microchip.
Cat package includes: FVRCP vaccine, dewormer, Rabies Vaccine, FeLV/FIV Test, one month of flea prevention for cats, and a microchip.

About BARC
BARC, the City of Houston’s Animal Shelter and Adoption Center, takes in more than 25,000 animals annually regardless of behavior, breed, or medical condition. BARC works each day to improve Houstonians and their pets’ health and safety by pioneering programs such as low-cost and no-cost spay/neuter services, mobile adoptions, transfer/rescue partnerships, and community outreach.

Through these programs and with community partners’ support, BARC’s live release rate has continued to improve and reached a historic high of 91.7% in the fiscal year 2020.
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