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Houstonians Show-Up Big to Raise Critical Funds to Fight Crime in Houston and Honor Distinguished Community Members at the Crime Stoppers Annual Houston’s Heroes Awards Luncheon
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Houstonians Show-Up Big to Raise Critical Funds to Fight Crime in Houston and Honor Distinguished Community Members at the Crime Stoppers Annual Houston’s Heroes Awards Luncheon

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More than 290 Houstonians joined Crime Stoppers of Houston at the Royal Sonesta Hotel for their annual Houston’s Heroes Awards Luncheon, which honors outstanding community members who have made incredible contributions to public safety. This year’s gathering offered concerned citizens a unique way to help combat the alarming rise in crime in Houston. Whether through their time, talents or treasures, Crime Stoppers encouraged guests to join them in #StandingforPublicSafety and by the end of the afternoon, more than $210,000 had been raised to directly fund critical public safety and crime prevention initiatives working to make our communities safer.

The following 2022 Heroes were presented with distinguished awards for being positive contributors to the community through their long-standing support of crime prevention and public safety initiatives that make Houston, and Texas, safer for all:

  • The Johnny Klevenhagen Award – FOX26, Breaking Bond Series: Recognized for his 30+ year reporting career and his significant contributions to fighting crime, specifically his work that has led to meaningful change as it relates to the safety of all who call Harris County home. In 2018, Crime Stoppers Director of Victim Services Andy Kahan and Randy Wallace started studying the impact of the repeated release of violent defendants and soon, “Breaking Bond” was born. To date, over 75 segments have aired featuring significant cases the community must be aware of. They also do a weekly live stream titled “Behind the Scenes of Breaking Bond” to bring even more attention to the issues at hand.
  • The Fenner Weller Award – Joe Madison, Demand Disruption: Recognized for his work at Demand Disruption and his significant contributions to fighting crime, specifically his work to stop human trafficking by confronting the truths about pornography and demand. He is a strong community partner of many non-profits, including Crime Stoppers. Madison humbly leads with a mission of service first and urges all he encounters to consider their legacy as they navigate the world.
  • The Leiv Platou Award – Amy Leibman, Genny McIntyre and Sheridan Williams: Recognized for their significant contributions to public safety as volunteers and tireless advocates for Crime Stoppers of Houston and the Houston community. As powerful champions for public safety, they started ‘Community Chats’ that serve to educate citizens about the rise in crime in Houston and how they can help. They also launched their own citizen-driven advocacy group called Citizens United Against Crime (or CUAC) as a way to keep in touch with this growing number of concerned Houstonians.
  • The Corporate Citizen Award – The Hamill Foundation: Recognized for their philanthropic commitment and support of educational, scientific, charitable, and religious activities, primarily in the Houston area. Since 2011, they have partnered and supported Crime Stoppers’ programming as well as their historic building. The Hamill Foundation’s vision, study, commentary, guidance and general investment in all that is positive for Houston makes the success of Crime Stoppers’ programming that much more poignant.
  • The Safe School Award – Pam Wells, Ed.D., Executive Director, Region 4 Education Service Center: Recognized for her significant contributions to education and unmet compassion to ensure that every student in every school feels safe and supported. With an unmatched dedication, Dr. Wells has personally partnered with Crime Stoppers for years – helping Crime Stoppers navigate state-wide school safety issues, representing and incorporating the critical work of Crime Stoppers of Houston’s Safe School Institute in meetings, special projects, annual Regional School Safety summit and more.
  • The Women Who Shape Houston Award – Hallie Vanderhider: Recognized for her incredible philanthropic contributions and carrying the organization through the COVID years with guidance, instructions on how to tackle donor relations, community partners and maintain operations. Hallie’s primary philanthropic focus centers on education, children and the arts and we are thrilled that she has a heart for the safety of everyone who calls this wonderful city home.
  • Partner of the Year Award – District Attorney Kim Ogg, Harris County District Attorney’s Office: Recognized for her dedication, commitment, and significant contributions to victim advocacy and the public safety work of Crime Stoppers of Houston. Her passion for victims dates back to her childhood when Ogg’s mother was a victim of crime. Raised in a household that advocated for the safety of all, Ogg become the first Anti-Gang Director staffed out of a Mayor’s Office and her path eventually led her to Crime Stoppers of Houston where she served as Executive Director from 1999 to 2006. Today, her partnership continues with Crime Stoppers of Houston, working on the critical issue of releasing and releasing violent felony defendants on low or no bond, as well as testifying for bond reform legislation and releasing a case study on the impact of bail reform as it relates to the rising crime rates in Harris County.
  • The Dave Ward Excellence in Media Award – Shara Fryer, KTRH Morning News Anchor

While the focus of the afternoon was to honor incredible heroes, Crime Stoppers was able to raise additional funds to continue their critically important crime-solving work through the famed 713-222-TIPS Tip Line and expand their free crime prevention and safety education, which is provided through their Safe Community Institute and Safe School Institute.

“In a year where more victims are outcrying and community members are fed up with crime, Crime Stoppers of Houston is prouder than ever to honor those who are #standingforpublicsafety. Crime rates and the politicization of crime are destroying Houston. Houstonians will not sit by and allow that to happen. This luncheon was another example of that.” shares Crime Stoppers CEO Rania Mankarious.

Thursday’s celebration was supported by many individuals, community partners and generous sponsors, including Presenting Partner Aramco; Safety Partner Hallie Vanderhider; Safety Champions Brigitte and Bashar Kalai, Amerapex, Jennifer Hohman and Jordan Seff, Sippi and Ajay Khurana, Strake Foundation; Safety Friends CenterPoint Energy, Inc., District Attorney Kim Ogg – Harris County District Attorney’s Office, Faust Distributing – Tena and Tyson Faust and Tama Lundquist & Dr. Peter Farrell, H-E-B., Lawrence and Linda Levy, Kirk and Kathryn Hachigian, Michelle Heinz and Shana Jones, and The Children’s Assessment Center.

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Among supporters were Crime Stoppers Chairman Justin Vickrey, Judy Sultan, Tom Brown, Sheridan and John Eddie Williams, Amy Leibman, Rachel Bagwell, Whitney Crane, Kristina Somerville, Amy Pierce, Janet and Ron Franklin, Mike and Lynette Kuznar, Charles Dresser, Shelley and Newt Barineau, Steve Marler, Alicia Smith, Wendy Baimbridge, Akash Patel, Michelle Heinz, Patricia Ritter, Jordan Seff, Jennifer Hohman, Lindsay Aronstein, Scott Aronstein, Ricardo Nazario, Laura Ward, Dave Ward, Jerry Martin, Genny and John McIntyre, Lee Vela, and many more.

Notable guests include Senator John Whitmire, Senator Paul Bettencourt, Mayor Pro-Tem Dave Martin, Houston Police Department Police Chief Troy Finner, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, Harris County Commissioners Jack Cagle and Tom Ramsey, Judges Maritza Antu and Chuck Silverman; and Council Members Michael Kubosh, Robert Gallegos, Sallie Alcorn, Mary Nan Huffman, Mike Knox and Tiffany Thomas.For those unable to attend the event this year, donations are still being accepted here:

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