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French Photographer Isabelle Perreau Exhibit at Archway Gallery
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French Photographer Isabelle Perreau Exhibit at Archway Gallery


Base64 imageArchway Gallery presents Rendez-vous à Paris!, featuring photography by Isabelle Perreau.

The artist will be present to visit with guests during the exhibition opening reception on Saturday, March 2, from 5 – 8 p.m. at the gallery and will talk about her work at 6:30 p.m.

The exhibit will be on view from March 2 through April 4, 2024.

Photographer Isabelle Perreau’s new exhibition is a lover’s hand extended to the viewer in an invitation to take a carefree, romantic stroll through the picturesque Paris of tourists, lovers, and revelers from all over the world. “Let’s stroll along the bustling boulevards and climb up the steep, narrow streets to Butte Montmartre,” she entreats. “Then we’ll get lost in the intimate maze of Le Marais. Let’s blend into the Parisian crowd, admire all the prestigious monuments, then go sip a glass of Chardonnay on the terrace of the Café de Flore.”

“Then let’s just walk around to find the well-hidden gems off the beaten track. And breathing in the exciting air of old Panama, we’ll remember Victor Hugo, Sarah Bernhardt and Jean-Paul Sartre, and the many other luminaries of the Ville Lumière. We’ll go sing on the Champs Elysées and dance on the Left Bank! We’ll have so much fun and take many selfies together, and then stop for a delicious bite at sweet Angélina’s Salon de Thé.

“And of course, we’ll make love, and when we fall asleep, we’ll be exhausted, but there will be so many stars still in our eyes! And then, tomorrow, we’ll start for even more adventures throughout the magic city….”

See Also

Base64 imageIsabelle Perreau was born in Angers, in the Loire Valley, France. She studied philosophy in Paris and earned a master’s degree with honors. In Caracas, Venezuela, where she followed her diplomat husband, she began a new career as a psychoanalyst à l’Ecole du Champ Freudien de J. Lacan. She also worked at the Alliance Française. It is only since moving to Texas 20 years ago that photography became her chosen mode of expression. Her camera has become her companion on innumerable travels across the planet.

She had a solo exhibition (2015) and a group exhibition (2017) at the Alliance Française. This is her fourth exhibition at Archway Gallery, where she has been a member since 2017. All exhibitions have been part of FotoFest.

2305 Dunlavy St, Houston, TX 77006

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