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Rebuilding After the Storm


Life can throw us challenges at any moment. We, here in Texas, have learned that lesson all too well in recent months. From the siding on your home to the roof over your head, Houstonians are scrambling to find the financial means to make themselves whole again. Homeowner’s insurance should provide peace of mind, but unfortunately, that is not always the case. We have recently heard from many in the community wrestling with their insurance companies. It can be exhausting, and having experience on your side is essential.

Many insurance companies will try and underpay your claim. Most people do not realize that denying, underpaying, or delaying your claim is a tactic insurance companies use often, leaving home and business owners frustrated and desperate for someone who will fight for them.
Remember, insurance companies are businesses, and like any business, they try to limit how much they pay out on insurance claims. Although major insurance companies are multi-billion-dollar companies, they sometimes make every attempt to hold on to that money as much as possible. However, residents and business owners have the right to question and fight back against the insurance company. Hiring an experienced attorney might be the best move.

When to Get an Attorney Involved:

Insurance Company Offers Lowball Settlement
Some insurance companies will offer a lower settlement than what your claim is worth. If you believe you are entitled to more than what is being offered, you do not have to accept the settlement. It will be important to analyze the reasons why they are making this offer. In some cases, denial of certain portions of the claim could be valid if the policy does not cover that specific damage. If the company intentionally denies portions of your claim, this is a perfect opportunity to get an attorney on your side. At Galindo Law, we send our estimator to your property to dive deeper into your home or business. We do not leave any stone unturned to help get every penny you deserve from your insurance company. Oftentimes, our estimator uncovers more damage than what the insurance adjuster noted. These findings can have a big financial impact on your claim.

Delaying Decisions or Denying Claims
Insurance companies have an obligation to perform their investigations and make decisions on the outcome of your claim in a timely manner. Living without a sturdy roof overhead is emotionally, mentally, and financially taxing. Delaying your claim, whether by poor communication or lengthy investigations, works in favor of the insurance company. As time passes and the need for financial help increases, some companies will rely on this desperation and offer a lower settlement than what is deserved. They could be preying on insecurity. However, insurance companies cannot legally put their profits over contractual legal obligations to their clients.

Unreasonable Requests to Validate Your Claim
There are also instances when insurance companies request so much information from the policyholder that it is impossible to fulfill their requests. While it is not uncommon for an insurance company to ask for certain amounts of documentation and records, their requests cannot be unreasonable or impossible to carry out.
There are options if the insurance company is not holding up its end of the deal. First, remember not to let your emotions overtake you. When negotiating with the company, anything you say can be used against you down the line. It is best to contact an experienced attorney who can take a hard look at the policy and has utilized years of experience to take on larger insurance companies.
Taking on an insurance company can be an uphill battle. An experienced attorney can help you navigate the dicey waters that undoubtedly lie ahead. We have 20 years of experience assisting homeowners to rebuild after a storm devastates their area. We understand what it feels like when a storm ruins a portion of your property. While homeowners always wish and hope the insurance claims process is easy, that’s not the outcome for many Houstonians who are left to pick up the pieces on their own unfairly. We can ensure you are better prepared and equipped to handle these big insurance companies. We can better prepare and equip you to handle these big insurance companies.

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Base64 imageCristobal M. Galindo was born in Torrejon de Ardoz, Spain and raised in Houston, Texas. He is the founder of Cristobal Galindo, Pc., with a corporate office in Houston The firm has expanded to other practice locations in Beaumont, Seattle, Denver, and Los Angeles. They have an A + rating with the Better Business Bureau.

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