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6 Top Designer Secrets

Melissa Snow - Home Design Houston

2. Don’t try to “hide” the bones of the room. Accent the architectural features of the room.

3. Do take risks in decorating and don’t have everything matching in the room. The more diverse the furnishings the more interesting the space.

4. Use a common thread such as color, line or scale to pull all of the elements of a room together and make it feel cohesive. After using these design strategies you should be able to create a crisp, classically inspired room that will maximize the impact of your interior space.

Melissa Snow Designs
Interior Designer

One of the most exciting times for everyone is to refurnish your space. The first step, and often skipped step is Space Planning. At The Luxe Designer, we provide 2D and 3D virtual tours. However, 3 methods to achieve good space planning are
1. Theres an App For That!
2. Blue Tape on Floor,
3. Scale Ruler.

Lisa Goe Kidder,
The Luxe Designer

The secret to freshening up a room can be as simple as a fresh coat of paint. If you are worried about changing colors, you can stay with the same color and go a shade lighter or darker.
As a designer, I like to add finishing touches to a room that are unexpected such as hanging a decorative mirror on top of a mirror.
My last secret, I don’t leave anything to chance.

Jane-Page Crump, ASID
Jane Page Design Group
500 Durham Drive,
Houston, TX 77007

Dressing windows is one of the most impactful ways to give any space a designer edge. The goal is to design elements which enhance the aesthetics of the window and the room.
To make a small room look larger, make the color of the window treatments closely match that of the walls. To make a small window appear larger, use side drapery panels. The impact of custom window treatments pays for the project every day they gracefully cover your windows.

Theresa McGowan, ASID
The Frog At Home

See Also

My philosophy is “Beauty by Design. Live Beautifully, Live Fully.” It is a holistic approach to interior design. We start with learning how you live and how you would like to be living and use these details to create a space that really works for you.
We also assist with removing the blocks to Living Beautifully.

Mary Lindsey Wilson, ASID
Live Beautifully, LLC

Always start with the focal point of the room…(favorite piece of art, rug, architectural feature, view, etc…) and layer around it… balancing the color, proportion and other elements of design.

Sandra Lucas, ASID
Sarah Eilers, ASID
Lucas/Eilers Design
Associates, L.L.P.


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