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Cast & Blast Grosse Savanne- A True Sportsman’s Paradise

Houston City Life - Cast & Blast Grosse Savanne

Louisiana locals call Calcasieu Lake the “Big lake” and with good reason. The lake record for speckled trou is 11.25 pounds and Grosse Savane Lodge manager Karl Zimmerman thinks there is “ a twelve pound plus speckled trout’ lurking in these brackish waters. For those in the know Calcasieu Lake is considered as one of the country’s top estuaries. The mighty Mississippi River and the beautiful saltwater marshes provides a fertile breeding ground for the fish habitat. Perched nearby on the marshes is the once hurricane battered Grosse Savanne Lodge. Finally it is back to an even more splendorous existence than before Hurricane Rita demolished it.

Along with the great fishing expectations comes the lodge, which is one of only 26 Orvis Endorsed Wingshooting Lodges in the country. Their stringent criteria for this exclusive endorsement includes quality of the hunt in addition to the quality of the service and the facilities, but also the amenities provided for after the hunt. With the fabulous casino Lauberge dulac and the award winning golf courses, Greys Plantation both nearby, there are plenty of diversions to keep you here awhile. The amenities also include cuisine that will make even the most discriminating Cajun proud. Duck and goose hunts are the most popular for guests, but don’t underestimate the fishing-both fresh and saltwater. For freshwater fishing enthusiasts they recently opened a 70 acre freshwater pond with bass and bull bream. Saltwater fisherman can chase red and black drum and flounder among others. For the expert they offer light tackle and fly fishing excursions.

Grosse Savane Waterfowl and Wildlife Lodge is an avid proponent of the Coastal Conservation Association, Ducks Unlimited and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and can be found at 1730 Big Pasture Road in lake Charles, Louisiana or on the world wide web at

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